First Novel: Here. I. Am.
By Gordon Adler
In 1938 New York, Ben Heald, a young prodigy, dreams of a professorship at MIT. When Ben gets word that his mother is near death, and his father demands he leave prep school to become his business partner, he becomes unmoored. Will he be loyal to his family or his dreams? Will he make peace with those who expect so much of him?
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About Gordon Adler
Gordon Adler is a writer, communication addict and swim fanatic. Originally from Concord, Massachusetts, Gordon now lives in Switzerland, where he owns Adler Way, his communication consultancy. A graduate of Harvard University, with an MFA and doctorate, author of management books and articles, Gordon helps managers improve their communication. He loves writing and reading, international food, smartphone photography and, once in a while, binging Netflix. Early mornings, he can be found in the local pool, perfecting his butterfly technique. He is an avid autobiography fan: “Here. I. Am.” is roughly based on his father’s tumultuous experiences in 1938 New York.